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The Superposition is a network and space for artists , makers and scientists to collaborate.

The superposition a collective of Artists, Scientists and Makers exploring common ground in working practices, the generation of new ideas, experiments and prototypes through investigating the beauty of science and challenging traditional methods of outreach through collaborative doing.

This doing is realised through the creation of artworks and the development of a community.  We meet in the Packhorse pub (upstairs), Woodhouse Lane, Leeds.  Meetings are announced via this website and our mailing list.  Please come along to listen, participate and find new collaborators.

‘Superposition’ is a technical term in quantum mechanics, which describes an object which can exist in more than one state simultaneously.’

At our inception in 2013 we ran an experiment, a series of evenings with the the premise of bringing together the cultures of art, science & making to foster collaborative practice through doing, concluding in ASMbly 2013, a week long pop up lab in a disused shop in Leeds centre.

It is now, June 2016, We have run 10 evenings events & are preparing for our 4th pop up art, science maker lab in September.  Collaborations have lead to a multitude of artworks which have been presented to Nobel Laureates, permanently installed at particle accelerators & the University of Leeds’ Maths Department  gained international press with Project Nimbus & sparked a daughter project called Bioleeds.


bioLeeds, a daughter project of Superposition that focuses on biology, has organised three participatory public events, including two pop-up bioLeeds market stalls in Leeds and Huddersfield markets, and a sandpit process in which artists, scientists and makers spent an afternoon in conversations to generate ideas for collaboration. This process led to a number of ongoing projects, including Archibio and Weaving Proteins which both explore the potential of translation between different disciplines to create new knowledge.


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